01579 381872

Our Services & Prices


 We provide a wide range of professional storage solutions to meet your needs. Storage with ease and piece of mind. 

Internal Crate Storage 


Per week 

Internal crate storage 
incudes 24 Hours to fill crate at our warehouse in our designated fill and retrieve area. You alone will have access to this area. Once filler your crate will be stored securely within our warehouse. 
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 Crate Insurance 


Per week

 This insures you up to £5000 contense within the crate and includes liability insurance. 
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Crate To Door Service


Per week

 We will arrange for your crate to be sent to your address where you then can fill it up your crate will come back to us to store. 
Quoted on individual enquiry 
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Leave Crate At Door


Per week

 We will arrange for your crate to be sent to your address where where it is left for 1 week then it is collected and delivered to out store. 
Quoted on individual enquiry
A crate deposit will also be charged 
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